Eshaal Zahra



What are the primary grievances of the Baloch insurgents involved in the ongoing insurgency in Pakistan?

What is the most severe challenge for Pakistan that can lead to its destruction?

During military rule in Pakistan, how did the judiciary typically respond to the military regimes?

What impact did Pakistan's support for the U.S.-led ?War on Terror? have on the country?

What role did the Pakistan Army play in the Abbottabad Operation in May 2011 that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden?

What event led to the initiation of Pervez Musharraf?s trial under Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan?

What significant impact was caused to Pakistan by direct Military rule and indirect political management?

What was the most significant achievement of the PPP-Led coalition government in its tenure from 2008 to 2013?

What marked Benazir Bhutto's tenure as Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990?

What is the primary objective of Pakistan's "Look East" policy in its foreign relations?

Which of the following statements best describes the overall trend in Pak-India diplomatic relations?

What led Pakistan to turn to the West in the early years after its creation?

Which constitutional framework operated in Pakistan between 1947 and 1956?

What was the notable feature of the Government of India Act of 1935?

Indicate one of the key outcomes of the Lucknow Pact of 1916 between the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League.

What was the key feature of the Mughal Rajput policy during their rule in India?

The Muslim rulers of Delhi in the Pre-Mughal era were called Sultans as they were bound to:

Why did Mahmud of Ghazni launch multiple invasions into India during the 11th century?

Why could Arab rule not extend beyond Sindh and Multan?

Abdul Rabb Nishtar was the first ____________ of Pakistan.

The official language declared in the 1956 constitution of Pakistan was:

The first leader of opposition in the first National Assembly under the 1962 constitution of Pakistan was:

The mountain range that separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is:

The greatest monument of Pakistan-China collaboration is:

The author of the book ?Kitab-ul-Hind? is:

The Sindh river is mentioned in:

Who is Pakistan?s first female mountaineer to scale Mount Everest?

Pakistan is NOT a member of which of the following organizations?

The total estimated cost of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is:

The 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit was held on 18-19 September 2023 in:

___________ is the current Chancellor of Germany.

World Tourism Day is celebrated annually on:

The UN Climate Change Conference in November-December 2023 was held in:

The book titled ?The United States and the Turmoil in Afghanistan and Pakistan? is authored by:

Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Louise Gl?ck, hails from:

The number of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) under CPEC is:

___________ is the currency of Nigeria.

The 2023 World Snooker Championship was held in:

Article 25(A) of Pakistan?s Constitution addresses the right to:

The Boao Forum for Asia was established in:

TASS is the ___________ state-owned news agency.

The capital city of Costa Rica is:

The African Union?s Headquarters is located in:

Krakow is a city located in:

Who authored the book ?The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia?s New Geopolitics??

The ionosphere, located within the thermosphere, extends:

What is heavy water and its composition?

Why is red light used in traffic signals to indicate danger?

A cyclone forms when:

Earthquakes are measured using which instrument?

Dementia in a person results in:

Fish die outside water primarily due to:

A pencil appears bent when dipped in water due to:

Which compound has the most carbon atoms per mole?

Which of the following is used to measure astronomical distances?

The pH of soil is raised using:

Isotopes of an element have an equal number of:

Which vitamin is stored in the smallest amount in the human body?

What is a protein molecule composed of?

One degree of longitude at the equator corresponds to a distance of:

If the radius of a circle triples, how does its area change?

What is the chemical formula for alum?

When do day and night become equal in length?

Fish liver oil contains:

The _________ is a composite measure of a country's average achievements in health, education, and living standards.

In public ethics, consequentialism is the approach of:

The growing use of private firms for public service delivery is partly due to:

Privatization is best defined as:

A significant recent development in the relationship between agencies and courts is:

The judiciary serves as a check on agencies by:

Which of the following is not a part of civil society?

The term that describes a collaborative approach where service providers and users work together is:

If a public servant enforces duties and obligations that are not mandated by law, it can result in:

Which statement does NOT align with New Public Management?

The central theme of "reinvention" in government is the need for:

Evaluating if a policy has achieved its intended effect is known as:

Agenda setting within the policy process involves:

Public agencies play what role in policy-making?

Public policies are defined as:

The ambiguity in public administration typically refers to:

The three fundamental pillars of the state are:

Woodrow Wilson suggested that government agencies could be more effective by: