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shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, at which stage do individuals begin to value laws and rules for maintaining social order?
A. Pre-conventional.
B. Conventional.
C. Post-conventional.
D. Sensorimotor.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
What is the primary characteristic of the preoperational stage of cognitive development?
A. Logical reasoning.
B. Egocentrism.
C. Object permanence.
D. Abstract thinking.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
According to Piaget, what is the ability to think logically about hypothetical situations and use abstract reasoning?
A. Egocentrism.
B. Concrete operations.
C. Formal operations.
D. Preoperational thought.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
In terms of language development, what does "overextension" mean?
A. Using a word too narrowly.
B. Using a word too broadly.
C. Using made-up words.
D. Not using words at all.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
Which of the following is an example of a teratogen?
A. Breast milk.
B. Vaccines.
C. Alcohol during pregnancy.
D. Nutrient-rich food.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
Which type of attachment is characterized by children who are upset when their caregiver leaves but are easily comforted when they return?
A. Secure attachment.
B. Insecure-avoidant attachment.
C. Insecure-resistant attachment.
D. Disorganized attachment.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
According to Vygotsky, what is the term for the gap between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help?
A. Scaffolding.
B. Zone of Proximal Development.
C. Assimilation.
D. Accommodation.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
What is the term for the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen?
A. Conservation.
B. Object permanence.
C. Egocentrism.
D. Accommodation.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
In Erikson?s psychosocial stages, what is the primary conflict during adolescence?
A. Trust vs. Mistrust.
B. Industry vs. Inferiority.
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion.
D. Intimacy vs. Isolation.
shahzaib hassan
Developmental Psychology
According to Piaget, during which stage do children begin to understand conservation, the idea that quantity remains the same even when the shape changes?
A. Sensorimotor stage.
B. Preoperational stage.
C. Concrete operational stage.
D. Formal operational stage.
Clinical Psychology
Biological Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Psychology Measurement & Methodology
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
Experimental Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Educational Psychology
Gender Studies