In microcontrollers, what is the main function of an ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)?

Which law describes the magnetic force between two parallel current-carrying conductors? In signal processing, what is the purpose of a digital filter? Which type of motor is known for its high starting torque and variable speed control? Which phenomenon describes the increase in current flow in a conductor due to reduced cross-sectional area at high frequencies? In electrical power systems, what is the purpose of using a capacitor bank? What is the primary advantage of using a CMOS technology in integrated circuits? In communication systems, what is the purpose of modulation? A transformer has a turns ratio of 1:10. If the primary winding has 500 turns, how many turns are there in the secondary winding? What is the primary difference between a MOSFET and a BJT? Which type of memory is used for storing firmware in embedded systems? What is the main purpose of a transformer in electrical circuits? Which type of filter is used to pass signals with frequencies within a certain range and attenuate signals outside that range? In a three-phase power system, what is the phase difference between each phase? Which method is used to analyze the frequency response of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems? In power systems, what is the purpose of a synchronous condenser? Which method is used to analyze transient response in electrical circuits? What is the main advantage of using a buck converter in power electronics? What is the main purpose of using a relay in electrical circuits? Which theorem states that any linear electrical network with multiple sources can be replaced by an equivalent single voltage source and a series resistor? What is the primary characteristic of a superconducting material? In control systems, what is the significance of the transfer function? In electrical machines, what is the purpose of using a commutator in a DC motor? In AC circuits, what is the significance of power factor? Which principle explains the operation of a thermocouple in temperature measurement? Which type of circuit is used to generate a specific frequency waveform? Which device is used to measure the electric power consumed by a load in a circuit? What is the main advantage of using a brushless DC motor over a brushed DC motor? What is the primary function of a varistor in electronic circuits? What is the primary difference between a synchronous motor and an induction motor? In the context of electromagnetic waves, what is the primary function of a waveguide? In a buck-boost converter circuit, if the duty cycle of the switch is increased, what effect does it have on the output voltage? Which component is essential for converting solar energy into electrical energy in photovoltaic systems? What is the primary purpose of using transformers in the transmission and distribution of electrical power? What is the primary function of a Zener diode in electronic circuits? In microcontrollers, what is the main function of an ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)? Which type of transformer connection is commonly used in power transmission to reduce phase imbalance? What is the primary advantage of using an operational amplifier (op-amp) in electronic circuits? In digital electronics, what is the purpose of a flip-flop circuit? What is the primary function of a thyristor in power control circuits? What is the main purpose of using a triac in AC power control circuits? In a DC generator, what is the function of the commutator? Which component is essential for providing isolation between the primary and secondary windings of a transformer? Which component in an AC circuit is responsible for causing a phase shift between voltage and current? What is the significance of the breakover voltage in a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)? In power electronics, what is the main purpose of a rectifier? What is the main characteristic of a Schottky diode compared to a regular silicon diode? In signal processing, what is the primary purpose of a Fourier transform? In a separately excited DC motor, if the field winding is open-circuited while the armature winding is connected to a DC supply, what will happen to the motor speed? Which method is used to analyze the stability of control systems by examining the locations of poles in the complex plane?