"The Arab conquest of Sind was temporary event without any permanent effect". was Commented

What was the key feature of the Mughal Rajput policy during their rule in India? Shah Jehan died in What was the most significant achievement of the PPP-Led coalition government in its tenure from 2008 to 2013? What led Pakistan to turn to the West in the early years after its creation? What was the notable feature of the Government of India Act of 1935? Brahmajit Gaur and Ram Singh were appointed on an important post of Govt. in ... rule The Battle of Qanauj was fought between: "The Arab conquest of Sind was temporary event without any permanent effect". was Commented Shah Husain Arghun takes Multan in The lovely Moti Masjid is located at Which of the following statements best describes the overall trend in Pak-India diplomatic relations? Humayun ascended the throne in 1530 at the age of What are the primary grievances of the Baloch insurgents involved in the ongoing insurgency in Pakistan? Behzad was a famous Persian What significant impact was caused to Pakistan by direct Military rule and indirect political management? The author of Maasir-I-Jahangiri is What is the primary objective of Pakistan's "Look East" policy in its foreign relations? The Muslim rulers of Delhi in the Pre-Mughal era were called Sultans as they were bound to: During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, what strategic and controversial military operation did the Pakistani military initiate in the eastern part of the country? What event led to the initiation of Pervez Musharraf?s trial under Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan? Ranthambhor was surrendered in 1528 by What impact did Pakistan's support for the U.S.-led ?War on Terror? have on the country? Buland Darwaza commemorate Akbar’s conquest of Indicate one of the key outcomes of the Lucknow Pact of 1916 between the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League. What role did the Pakistan Army play in the Abbottabad Operation in May 2011 that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden? Who was the ruler of Vijayanagar Bahmani Kingdom was founded by: Qutb-ud-Din was conferred the title of the ‘Sultan of Delhi’ by What marked Benazir Bhutto's tenure as Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990? Which constitutional framework operated in Pakistan between 1947 and 1956? Which city was named as’ Shah ‘Jahanabad? Sikandar Lodhi sent expedition to Malva in What is the most severe challenge for Pakistan that can lead to its destruction? Why did Mahmud of Ghazni launch multiple invasions into India during the 11th century? Bahlol Lodhi died in Why could Arab rule not extend beyond Sindh and Multan? Francois Bernier was an/a During military rule in Pakistan, how did the judiciary typically respond to the military regimes? Babar adopted the title of Padshah in Sher Shah ‘Proclaimed King in the year Muhammad Tughluq ruled in India during the period Mahmud Ghaznavi is described as "the first pioneer and path-finder for Islam in this country" by