PRINCIPLE: A person is guilty of theft if they dishonestly take property belonging to another person with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. FACT: Carla borrows her neighbor’s lawnmower without permission, intending to return it after using it for a day. She does return it the next day. Is Carla guilty of theft?

PRINCIPLE: A contract is voidable if one of the parties was coerced into signing it. FACT: Emma agrees to sell her car to Liam after Liam threatens to reveal a personal secret about her if she does not comply. Is the contract between Emma and Liam valid? PRINCIPLE: A person is liable for defamation if they make a false statement about another person, which harms that person’s reputation. FACT: Alex publishes an article claiming that Bob, a well-known actor, has been involved in illegal drug activities. Bob files a defamation suit against Alex. Alex argues that the information was provided by a reliable source. Is ALEX liable for defamation? PRINCIPLE: A person is guilty of theft if they dishonestly take property belonging to another person with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it. FACT: Carla borrows her neighbor’s lawnmower without permission, intending to return it after using it for a day. She does return it the next day. Is Carla guilty of theft? PRINCIPLE: A person is guilty of assault if they intentionally create a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact in another person. FACT: John raises his fist and moves aggressively towards Mike but stops just short of hitting him. Mike, believing he would be hit, flinches and steps back. Is John guilty of assault? PRINCIPLE: Negligence occurs when a person fails to exercise reasonable care, resulting in damage or harm to another. FACT: David leaves his dog unattended in a park known for having aggressive stray dogs. The stray dogs attack David’s dog, causing serious injuries. Is David negligent?