The Lenz’s law refers to induced __________

The Lenz’s law refers to induced __________ Beta ray emitted by a radioactive substance is: The center of Newton rings is dark due to Tuning of the radio is the best example of electrical __________ In which of the following, output is similar to NAND gate if input A=0 and input B=1. A standing wave pattern is formed when the length of string is an integral multiple of __________ wavelength. The algebraic sum of potential changes in a closed circuit is zero is Kirchhoff’s __________ rule. Which one is the most stable element on the basis of binding energy? In LED when an electron combines with a __________ during forward bias conduction, a photon of visible light is emitted. Which of the following lights travels the fastest in optical fibres? When a helium atom loses an electron, it becomes: An electric charge in uniform motion produces: Resistance in RC circuit of time constant 2 seconds is 1000 Ohms. What is the value of C in the circuit? __________ are the particles that experience strong nuclear force. The force required to bend the normally straight path of a particle into a circular path is called __________ force. If the mass of the bob of a pendulum is doubled its time period is: For atomic hydrogen spectrum, which of the following series lies in visible region of electromagnetic spectrum? A disc at rest without slipping, rolls down a hill of height (3 x 9.8) m. What is its speed in m/sec when it reaches at the bottom? What is emitted by a hot metal filament in a cathode ray tube? The vertical velocity of ball thrown upward __________ with time.