Abbas Amanat


Country Iran, Islamic Republic of
Gender Male

The Compromise of 1850 was about the issue of:

The Second Great Awakening led to:

Treaty of Ghent was signed in the year:

Treaty of Mortefotaine was signed with:

?The Cold War: A New History? is written by:

D Day was:

Nullification crisis was during Presidency of:

Gadsden Purchase or Treaty took place between:

Burr Conspiracy took place during the Presidency of:

Who was the American President at the time of the signing of the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel?

The term ?Big Stick Diplomacy? is associated with President:

The XYZ affairs took place between:

____________ was US President from 1977 to 1981.

Which of the following was not one of the original 13 colonies?

Who was the first President to be impeached?

What Constitutional Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920?

Who, of the following, was not a U.S. President?

What is the purpose of the 2nd Amendment?

Who is known as the 'Father of the Constitution'?

Which of the following is NOT typically a characteristic of a sustainable city?

Which of the following best describes a primary reason for the rapid urbanization observed in many developing countries?

The Green Revolution, which significantly increased agricultural production worldwide, is most closely associated with which of the following innovations?

Population pyramids are graphical representations used to analyze which of the following aspects of a population?

In biogeography, the concept of "island biogeography" primarily examines which of the following?

Which of the following best describes the primary impact of plate tectonics on global geography?

How did the Enlightenment influence political developments in Europe during the 18th century?

The Treaty of Versailles (1919) had several provisions aimed at ensuring lasting peace in Europe. Which of the following was a direct consequence of the treaty?

Which of the following events during the French Revolution most directly challenged the traditional authority of the monarchy and the Church?

The Industrial Revolution brought about significant social changes in Europe. Which of the following statements best describes one of these changes?

Which of the following best explains the primary impact of the Peace of Westphalia (1648) on the political landscape of Europe?

During the High Middle Ages, the Catholic Church's influence in Europe was pervasive. Which of the following was NOT a factor contributing to the Church's power during this period?

Which battle is considered a turning point for the British Army during World War I?

Who was the British monarch during most of the Victorian Era?

The Industrial Revolution in Britain primarily began in which century?

Which English explorer circumnavigated the globe between 1577 and 1580?

Who was the first Tudor monarch of England?

Which Roman emperor ordered the invasion and conquest of Britain in 43 AD?

What is the significance of Stonehenge in prehistoric Britain?