Tail Briz
Past Paper
Korea, Republic of
Tail Briz
Chemical Engineering
According to the first law of thermodynamics, what is the mathematical expression for the change in internal energy of a system undergoing a process?
A. ΔU = Q + W.
B. ΔU = Q - W.
C. ΔU = Q / W.
D. ΔU = Q * W.
Tail Briz
Chemical Engineering
Which type of control system utilizes feedback from the controlled variable to adjust the manipulated variable and maintain desired process conditions?
A. Open-loop control system.
B. Closed-loop control system.
C. Cascade control system.
D. Feedforward control system.
Tail Briz
Chemical Engineering
What is the driving force for mass transfer in a binary gas mixture undergoing diffusion?
A. Concentration gradient.
B. Temperature gradient.
C. Pressure gradient.
D. Velocity gradient.
Tail Briz
Chemical Engineering
Which parameter is used to characterize the flow behaviour of a fluid in laminar and turbulent flow regimes?
A. Reynolds number.
B. Mach number.
C. Froude number.
D. Péclet number.
Tail Briz
Chemical Engineering
In a reversible exothermic reaction, what effect does increasing the temperature have on the equilibrium conversion?
A. Increases the equilibrium conversion.
B. Decreases the equilibrium conversion.
C. Has no effect on the equilibrium conversion.
D. Depends on the specific reaction kinetics.
Tail Briz
Mechanical Engineering
What is the main function of a Pelton wheel turbine in a hydropower plant?
A. To increase water pressure.
B. To convert water pressure into rotational mechanical energy.
C. To regulate water flow rate.
D. To store potential energy of water.
Tail Briz
Mechanical Engineering
Which mode of heat transfer predominates in a vacuum?
A. Conduction.
B. Convection.
C. Radiation.
D. Advection.
Tail Briz
Mechanical Engineering
What is the Reynolds number used to determine in fluid flow analysis?
A. Flow velocity.
B. Flow regime.
C. Fluid viscosity.
D. Pressure distribution.
Tail Briz
Mechanical Engineering
In a static equilibrium system, what condition must be satisfied for the sum of all forces acting on a rigid body?
A. The sum of all forces must be zero.
B. The sum of all moments must be zero.
C. The sum of all accelerations must be zero.
D. The sum of all velocities must be zero.
Tail Briz
Mechanical Engineering
Which of the following materials exhibits the highest strength-to-weight ratio at room temperature?
A. Aluminum alloy.
B. Titanium alloy.
C. Stainless steel.
D. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP).
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
What is the purpose of a hydrograph in hydrology?
A. To measure groundwater levels.
B. To estimate sediment transport in rivers.
C. To model flood routing in rivers.
D. To analyze precipitation patterns.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
Which method of structural analysis is particularly suitable for analysing tall and slender structures subjected to lateral loads, such as skyscrapers?
A. Slope deflection method.
B. Portal method.
C. Finite element method.
D. Matrix structural analysis.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
What is the purpose of a detention basin in stormwater management?
A. To store excess stormwater temporarily.
B. To filter pollutants from stormwater runoff.
C. To convey stormwater to treatment plants.
D. To prevent erosion along waterways.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
Which equation governs the flow of water through a porous medium, considering both Darcy's law and the continuity equation?
A. Navier-Stokes equation.
B. Manning's equation.
C. Hazen-Williams equation.
D. Dupuit-Forchheimer equation.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
In the design of reinforced concrete beams, what is the purpose of providing shear reinforcement such as stirrups or links?
A. To prevent excessive deflection.
B. To resist bending moment.
C. To enhance flexural strength.
D. To increase shear capacity.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
What is the recommended minimum pressure head required for a water distribution system to ensure adequate flow and pressure?
A. 10 m.
B. 15 m.
C. 20 m.
D. 25 m.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
A simply supported beam with a span of 8 m is subjected to a point load of 10 kN at midspan. What is the maximum bending moment in the beam?
A. 20 kNm.
B. 30 kNm.
C. 40 kNm.
D. 50 kNm.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
What is the recommended minimum stopping sight distance (SSD) for a highway with a design speed of 60 km/h?
A. 60 m.
B. 80 m.
C. 100 m.
D. 120 m.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
A soil sample has a liquid limit of 40% and a plastic limit of 20%. What is its plasticity index?
A. 10.
B. 20.
C. 30.
D. 40.
Tail Briz
Civil Engineering
What is the maximum allowable compressive strength of concrete for a reinforced concrete beam according to ACI 318-19?
A. 4,000 psi.
B. 5,000 psi.
C. 6,000 psi.
D. 8,000 psi.
Tail Briz
Electrical Engineering
In a DC generator, what is the function of the commutator?
A. To convert AC to DC.
B. To regulate voltage.
C. To rectify the output.
D. To convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Tail Briz
Electrical Engineering
In a separately excited DC motor, if the field winding is open-circuited while the armature winding is connected to a DC supply, what will happen to the motor speed?
A. Motor speed increases.
B. Motor speed decreases.
C. Motor speed remains unchanged.
D. Motor speed reverses.
Tail Briz
Electrical Engineering
What is the primary purpose of using transformers in the transmission and distribution of electrical power?
A. To convert AC to DC.
B. To increase current.
C. To step up or step down voltage.
D. To regulate frequency.
Tail Briz
Electrical Engineering
A transformer has a turns ratio of 1:10. If the primary winding has 500 turns, how many turns are there in the secondary winding?
A. 50 turns.
B. 1000 turns.
C. 5000 turns.
D. 10 turns.
Tail Briz
Electrical Engineering
In a buck-boost converter circuit, if the duty cycle of the switch is increased, what effect does it have on the output voltage?
A. Output voltage increases.
B. Output voltage decreases.
C. Output voltage remains unchanged.
D. Output voltage oscillates.