Johar Ayub
2024-06-06 13:29:02

Why Fear Or Lure Of Reward Is The Proven Way To Success


                                                                        Photo by Axel Holen on Unsplash

In every field of this world, you will find such skilled individuals who, by accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks, will leave you astonished. How do they perform these impossible feats? The answer: either by fear or by the lure of reward. Boxer Muhammad Ali once said that he hated every moment of training for boxing matches, but then he reminded himself that he had to endure the pain to live the rest of his life as a champion. The rest is history. So, there are two things in this world that compel a person to endure hardship: one is the reward for enduring pain, which Muhammad Ali received by becoming a world champion, and the other is fear.

Give a monkey a banana for performing a task and beat it with a stick for not performing, and within a few months, it will be performing tricks with the trainer. The painful reality is that many such atrocities also occur with human children in this world.

In short, there are only two ways to accomplish the impossible: either endure the pain for the sake of a reward or make it a matter of survival. Losing weight after becoming overweight is considered one of the most difficult tasks in the world. An overweight person has an insatiable desire for food. For those with slow metabolism and a strong inclination towards eating, controlling this urge is almost impossible. Although many people have seemingly accomplished this impossible task. The ability to store excess energy in the body was essential because in the early days, sometimes humans found food, and sometimes they had to starve. Without the ability to store energy, people would drop dead instantly. Before machines were invented, humans had to do immense physical labor. Humans started cultivating crops regularly and built warehouses. After the invention of cold storage, storing food became even easier. Wheat and rice, rich in energy, replaced fruits. We started eating wheat bread or rice three times a day. There was no need to gather wood as gas was available. Cars were available, so there was no need to walk. The use of ghee in food increased as it enhanced the flavor. Sugar became common. Fast food chains emerged, offering extremely delicious fried potatoes and meat pieces. Cold drinks were invented, along with bakery items and processed foods. If you try to lose weight, after eating less for three or four days, a person uncontrollably indulges in food. In such conditions, most examples are that once someone becomes overweight, they only shed it in the grave.

Nine years ago, my own weight was also increasing. During those days, I made an astonishing observation on TV. Most women in showbiz, including morning show hosts, lose weight when needed. In contrast, most male hosts, including TV hosts, had given up. The reason? For morning show host women, losing weight was a matter of survival. If Katrina Kaif weighs 120 kilos, who would cast her as a heroine? Even if a journalist is overweight, he is not fired from his job. It was not a matter of survival for him. The simple fact is that unless it becomes a matter of your survival, you cannot succeed in this most difficult task. During those days, I visited a doctor friend. He told me that if you have come to terms with your increased weight, then be prepared for high blood pressure, heart diseases, and especially diabetes. I had a shock. That was the moment I realized that losing weight was a matter of survival for me. After that, I lost eight kilos in six months, with only two kilos remaining. Eating three times a day was reduced to two times. One chapati instead of two. Honey instead of sugar, three or four fruits a day instead of bakery items and cold drinks. An hour of brisk walking in comfortable joggers. I improved my Vitamin D levels and started running. If all this hadn't happened, I would have been a drum of fat today. If you look at the lives of those who have achieved historic successes, it is revealed that they faced unfavorable conditions since childhood. This was also the case with Sher Shah Suri and Abraham Lincoln. If they hadn't fought a fierce battle with their circumstances, they would have perished.

The learning ability of the human brain is so astonishing that people who don't know how to shift into first gear, if forced to drive a car, become experts in two or three months. When something becomes a matter of survival for a person, they exhibit astonishing performance in it. In the battle for power, politicians easily slit each other's throats. Yesterday's friends become today's mortal enemies. In any case, whatever goal a person wants to achieve in life, if the reward is significant or if it becomes a matter of survival for them, they can accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. One must inevitably choose between reward or fear. There is no other way.

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