Developing Different Kind of Intelligence For Study Advantage

Different Kinds of Intelligence - (Making your intelligence work for your advantage)
Our brain can be developed throughout life. It tend to develop special intelligence as we grow. Intelligence has many facets that make up our mind. The specific intelligence we possess makes us to be good in a specific activity. Personal and emotional growth would make the kind of intelligence to develop more. The proceeding table will help you know the different kind of intelligence and how to develop them.
Types of Intelligence | Skills | Ways to Develop |
Verbal | It involves communication skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and conversing | Develop it through constantly reading books, playing word games, listening to radios, participate in discussions and conversations online and personal, and learning new language. |
Logical | It involves computing skills, mastery with numbers, can easily recognize patterns and relationships, and the ability to solve different kinds of problems using logic. | Develop it through playing constantly with numbers and logic related games such as Soduko. Also solving puzzles is a good exercise. |
Spatial | It involves visual skills which lead to apprehension of the environment. It is more on understanding the nature. | Develop this through activities which will require you to use your imagination. Involving one’s self in visual arts such as drawing, painting and sculptures is a good activity. |
Body | It involves physical skills which concentrate on coordination of your body and its proficiency. | Develop this through activities which will make your body work out more. Activities such as sports, dancing and any activity that requires your body to move. |
Musical | It involves musical skills that will make a person understand and express himself through music. | Develop it through involving yourself on musical activities such as singing and performing arts. |
Social | It involves socialization skills that make a person communicate productively to others and the skill to enable him to understand others. | Develop it through joining group activities such as cooperative games, participating in open forums and discussions, and involving oneself to performing arts, specifically, role-playing. |
Emotional | It involves emotional skills such as understanding your own thoughts and feelings. Also possessing the ability to know and accept your own weakness and eventually enhancing it. | Develop it through activities that will tend to make you understand what you are experiencing. Activities such as counseling, reflection to oneself during bedtime or meditation, and writing journals or diaries. |
Creative | It involves creativity skills which give you the ability to create something new with your mind and body. | Develop it through involving yourself to activities such as cooking, writing, painting and most of all, decorating. |
Here are some ways to develop your general intelligence.
- Avoid television. We all know television is addictive. So preventing it is really a hard thing to do. In fact, watching television is totally useless in learning. It does not help you learn, it just make you tired. After watching television, laziness is next. Watching television would drain your energy without gaining some benefits of exercise. You will eventually find it hard to study. Find ways to relax, and watching television is not a good one.
- Work out. Taking care of your body would be the fundamental in learning. How can you give your mind knowledge when your body is ill? Having a good health would probably help you in the long run. A work out a day will make you feel better and will give you the energy to do all the things you want to do. Exercising will help you focus for longer periods.
- Have enough rest. It is very important to our health. According to a new study, if you get less than 6 hours of sleep a night, you are 12% more likely to die prematurely than those who get the recommended 6 to 8 hours a night. Insufficient sleep is also the main cause of laziness of some. It affects your focus.
- Do self-examination. We become busy in our daily routines and sometimes we forget to find time for ourselves. This is common to those who work so hard just to earn money. Find some time to meditate and to be alone. It will help you organize your thoughts so that you will be able to prioritize things. It will clear your mind and it will make you perform your tasks according to what you want.
Developing your intelligence is a way to enhance learning. We possess different levels of intelligence that can be useful in our daily activities. Moreover, enhancing it would make us be better on those activities. However, we should not settle on just enhancing the intelligence that we already possess. We should aim on having complete intelligence, which means possessing all the kinds of intelligence. To be able to succeed, you must know everything and make yourself a jack of all trade.