11 Habits of Highly Successful Jobseekers

You may be seeking some good job and somewhat you may be prepared for it but the efforts made by highly successful jobseekers are worth reading which I have given below so that if you are missing some of them can retake it in your next job hunt
Destination mindset
Successful jobseekers always have destination in mind during whatever act or learning they are doing. Every wise man must consider his destination job then decide to follow the education or any skill set needed to achieve those jobs. For example, if you are seeking a CSS-PMS job then you must have an idea that English essay and composition must be well prepared during your academics so that whenever you plan to appear in the CSS-PMS exams you will be already proficient in English and easily cram these exams to get your desired CSP job.
Resume game
There are thousands of so-called resume styles, standards and formats available on internet there is one simple thing I did not see on the resume of anyone that is the main paragraph at the start of the resume. I mean to say that, the purpose of resume is just to show the academics and experiences this may a number of academic marks or years of experience in multiple jobs. But what if you write what you can do and what benefits available to the organization who will hire you so that by reading first sentences of your resume employer decide that you are hired or not instead of providing three page CV/resume with useless details which successful jobseekers must consider while writing resume but unsuccessful jobseekers don’t.
Playing Safe
Every successful jobseeker always keeps in mind the failure first, in seeking his desired job. Because you are not always the one who best suits the job you wanted to attain. But if you are failed to get it you will not be depressed you will use that hardships of failure as your strengths to achieve better job or work than what you wanted already.
Mind catching
Successful jobseekers always present the value and benefits that the employers will get if he is hired because employer is not the saint or philanthropist that he is donating the jobs but he always wants his work done and lucrative options from employees. Suppose you get into an interview and present that you are oxford qualified and have done PhD in finance while another jobseeker appeared in an interview and said beside my qualification I will increase your production to 30/50 percent with the same staff with the help of advanced techniques and your profit will increase by 30 to 50 percent with the same expenses. Guess who will get the job? Of course, the second guy because employer always wants more profits or work efficiency. There is no need of degrees of higher rank universities now a days but more productivity instead.
Charity begins at home
As the name suggest, “charity begins at home” same way education begins at home. Means successful students always remember and understand whatever they have learned during their past academics while unsuccessful jobseekers always wanted to prepare for any job test etc. in the top academies but they do not consider that most of the job test concepts and material comes from their past academic subjects’ materials.
I remember my friend who used to read and remember even page numbers of subjects English, Pak studies etc. during matriculation and I was amazed why he memorize everything in all the books as the exam can be passed by memorizing with 2 to 4 question from whole book. But I realized the value of his such efforts when I came to know that after some years, he became Assistant Commissioner in Public administration group through CSS examinations and I am pretty much sure this happened just because of his tiny level studies during academic programs. So, the point is, you must remember all the topics and concepts from your academic books if you want to cram your job test easily.
Skill Set
When applying for a job assume that everyone has best education at its own to perform the tasks of that job but what about skill set. Do you really have that knowledge, abilities and experiences as well to perform that job. Because degree and the actual work differs much. Successful jobseekers has specific skill set and particular research and planning and they are always advanced knowledge and techniques oriented which make them stand out the crowd.
Jack of all related trades
Seeking prosperous job might be easy for some people but to survived in the organization Successful jobseekers are always move on to latest industrial management tools and productivity applications related to their own field and industries current requirements at job. I mean to say that and if you are a computer programmer and you can create websites but you don’t know what is SEO or latest digital tools for SEO optimized websites for a successful web apps or websites so you are not up to date and you will ultimately loss your job or project. Lets take another example, if you are a commerce graduate and you know accounting and finance but you did not learn latest accounting Software like ERP Oracle financials or SAP Business suit models or QuickBooks or other latest online Accounting platforms because good organizations always keeps itself update on all sections of organization ultimately you will not get your desired finance related jobs because you are not up to standard employee. So, all the successful jobseekers are up to the mark of their academic as well as latest developments in their fields.
Job Hunting Strategies
Some jobseekers are just trying their luck in popular job platforms like, FPSC, PPSC and NTS only but clever jobseekers are not just searching jobs but hunting instead. It means except above mention job boards there are almost 17 other testing service who are providing services to govt. as well as private sector for recruitment process like pts, OTS, BTS, Pakets, ATS and several other online job boards like Rozee (even UNO agencies jobs showing on Rozee offering lacs of monthly salary in dollars, ) Mustakbil for Pakistan jobs, and Bayt, Dubizzle and OLX for gulf jobs and you can also apply new Zealand and USA govt. jobs through their online jobs portal which is just a click away from you but you did not bother to think beyond the traditional ways. I remember, after completing graduation, when I use to apply for job through almost 20 different platforms and one day, I got 7 offer letters from different govt. as well as multinational corporations and I was stuck in between which job to join which is to left… I know many people who got jobs offer through LinkedIn and other social platforms. But every jobseeker is just by names a jobseeker and busy in defaming others and spreading words of abuses on social media and pretending to be Chaudhary and hero on social media but when his age got expires then many of them just commit suicides due to hardships… so the point is successful jobseekers are always on job hunting and explore all options to get their desired jobs while others just waste their time and blame their govt. for unemployment.
Organizational overview
Most successful jobseekers get familiar with the organization in which they are going to appear for an interview. I remember, when I got selected in Revenue department just because I knew some terminologies, procedures and legal abstracts of their land revenue laws and I confidently answered the questions of interviewer and let them consider me as an already staff member of that department. So, If you want to be hired in your desired organization and in near future you are expected to be interviewed then you have to learn history, procedures and work practices of that organization so that when you appear in an interview than your employer feels that you are a part of organization.
Learn from mistakes
Sometimes you are supposed to get a job but missed it. Exactly at that point is the spark which let you able to get more lucrative and stunning job. Successful jobseekers always tract their efforts along with mistakes they did and failed in previous recruitment procedure and learn from those mistakes to get best job next.
Believe in fate
You did not come in this world at your own will, there is a supreme power who sent you in this world right. If he sent you down, then he must know that you will need livelihood and of course he has made plan for your livelihood so don’t be depressed if you are jobless everyone get his livelihood as per plan and will of God.
Super Tip:
If you have skills you don’t need job. You just need laptop and internet connection. You can become your own boss. Just type in google “list of freelance skills” or “legit work from home business” pick up any skill learn it from YouTube, Coursera etc in one month and start working on Fiverr, Upwork, Guru, Peopleperhour and much more online market places.