In which stage of prenatal development does the heart begin to beat?

What is the primary characteristic of the preoperational stage of cognitive development? In Erikson?s psychosocial stages, what is the primary conflict during adolescence? Which of the following is an example of a teratogen? According to the theory of mind, at what age do children typically begin to understand that other people can have different beliefs and knowledge than they do? According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, at which stage do individuals begin to value laws and rules for maintaining social order? Which of the following is NOT a stage in Freud?s theory of psychosexual development? Which theory suggests that children learn gender roles by observing and imitating others, as well as through rewards and punishments? In terms of language development, what does "overextension" mean? According to Ainsworth, a child who shows anxiety when the caregiver leaves but does not seem comforted by their return is exhibiting: During which of Piaget?s stages does a child first develop the ability to engage in symbolic play and use language to represent objects? According to Piaget, during which stage do children begin to understand conservation, the idea that quantity remains the same even when the shape changes? What is the term for the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen? According to Piaget, what is the ability to think logically about hypothetical situations and use abstract reasoning? In which stage of prenatal development does the heart begin to beat? What is the term for the pattern of emotional and social development that occurs throughout a person's life? Which type of attachment is characterized by children who are upset when their caregiver leaves but are easily comforted when they return? The process by which new experiences are interpreted within the context of existing schemas is called: Which psychologist is known for their theory of multiple intelligences, which includes abilities like musical, spatial, and interpersonal intelligence? According to Vygotsky, what is the term for the gap between what a child can do alone and what they can do with help? In Baumrind?s model of parenting styles, which style is associated with high responsiveness but low demands?