Which type of meristem is responsible for the secondary growth in plants?

What is the term for water loss in plants through small openings on the leaves? Which plant family includes species commonly known as legumes, characterized by their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen? What is the main difference between dicot and monocot seeds? What is the primary photosynthetic pigment in plants? What is the process by which plants convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form they can use? Which of the following is a C4 plant known for its efficient photosynthesis in hot climates? Which type of venation is commonly found in monocots? Which of the following is an example of a xerophyte? In which part of the plant does the Calvin cycle occur? Which type of vascular tissue is responsible for transporting sugars in plants? What is the sugar produced during photosynthesis? What is the primary function of the Casparian strip in roots? Which of the following plant hormones is primarily responsible for promoting cell elongation and stem growth? In a dihybrid cross between two pea plants (TtRr x TtRr), what is the probability of obtaining an offspring that is homozygous recessive for both traits? Which of the following plant hormones is responsible for cell elongation? What is the name of the mutualistic association between fungi and plant roots? Which type of meristem is responsible for the secondary growth in plants? What is the main component of plant cell walls? What is the primary mode of transmission for the fungal pathogen causing powdery mildew in plants? What type of asexual reproduction is common in strawberries? In which tissue of a plant would you find vessels and tracheids? Which plant hormone is associated with fruit ripening? Which structure in the plant leaf is responsible for gas exchange? In which ecological biome would you expect to find plants adapted to periodic flooding and anaerobic soil conditions? Which of the following is a gymnosperm?