To "put all your eggs in one basket" means to:

What does "kick the bucket" mean? If someone is "playing it by ear," they are: If someone is "barking up the wrong tree," they are: What does "put your money where your mouth is" mean? To "get a taste of your own medicine" means to: If someone is "in the driver's seat," they are: To "bite the bullet" means to: What does the idiom 'under the weather' mean? To "take it with a grain of salt" means to: To "take a rain check" means to: If someone is "on cloud nine," they are: To "jump on the bandwagon" means to: To "burn the midnight oil" means to: What does "the tip of the iceberg" refer to? What does "the early bird catches the worm" mean? If someone is "in the loop," they are: To "get cold feet" means to: If someone is "stuck between a rock and a hard place," they are: If someone is "out of the blue," they are: To "let the cat out of the bag" means to: If someone is "playing devil's advocate," they are: To "put all your eggs in one basket" means to: To "take the bull by the horns" means to: To "go the extra mile" means to: What does "hit the books" mean? If someone is "burning the candle at both ends," they are: If someone "throws in the towel," they are: If someone is "running on empty," they are: If someone is "on the same page," they are: What does "a dime a dozen" mean? What does "a leopard can't change its spots" mean? Which of the following idioms means 'to reveal a secret'? What does "the cream rises to the top" mean? Choose the correct meaning of the idiom 'break the ice'. What does "piece of cake" refer to? To "let sleeping dogs lie" means to: What does "a blessing in disguise" mean? If someone is "in hot water," they are: What does "a stitch in time saves nine" mean? What does "the ball is in your court" mean? What does "the whole nine yards" mean? If someone is "fishing for compliments," they are: What does "spill the beans" mean? What does "once in a blue moon" mean? What does "cost an arm and a leg" mean? To "give someone the cold shoulder" means to: To "see eye to eye" means to: If someone is "walking on eggshells," they are: If someone is "in the same boat," they are: To "hit the nail on the head" means to: To "call it a day" means to: