What Will Happen If This Heat Continue To Increase In The World?

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When we look closely, we see that heat is increasing. Natural heat has positive effects on human behavior, but ever since man-made global warming has mixed with natural heat, scientists' concerns have grown significantly. In short, despite material progress, humanity is suffering due to dangerous unnatural heat.

Currently, global warming is also negatively affecting human thinking and the quality of decisions at every level. The global political system is moving towards conflict. Iqbal pointed out long ago:

"Machine rule is death for the heart"

Machines produce heat, and human life has become highly dependent on them. Global conferences on global warming are taking place, but their guidelines and preventive measures are not being implemented. The smoke from factory chimneys and the reckless use of fire to power machines have turned the earth into a hot plate. If the heat emissions from factories are controlled, the world could avoid the collision with natural heat.

Today, the atmosphere of conflict is both collective and individual. There is no stability in behaviors; sudden flare-ups are common. Ordinary people do not take global warming seriously, but scientists aware of the changes in the world's structure are sounding the alarm.

Political stability is disappearing worldwide, and good moderate climates are becoming a thing of the past. All nations should come together to create a workable collective charter to stop global warming and ensure that every government adheres to it. Otherwise, this catastrophic warming will wipe out human civilization.

answer by Zaisha Shah 6 months ago