As per Finance Department Government of Punjab vide order No. FD.SR.V.2-3(1)(2022) issued dated 21.07.2022 The basic pay scales of 2022 shall replace the basic pay scales of 2017 with effect from 01.07.2022.
So according to this order following salary slab is introduced for BS-17 Employees of government of Punjab and local governments work under government of Punjab and follows the regulations of it. We can understand that basic salary of Assistant Director LDA or any local government BS-17 officer will be in between these salary slab
Rs. 45070-3420-113470 containing total 20 stages of salary.
Rs. 45070 is the first basic of BS-17 will will continue to increase upto Rs.113470 when it reaches the upper thresholds then as per law it will be promoted to BS-18 or to a higher pay as per law.
So the starting basic salary of Assistant Director of any local Govermment could be around Rs. 70000/-