GAT Subject Test (Forestry and Range Management)

National Testing Service Pakistan

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Florence Nightingale was ___ in the development of modern medicine, ___ such practices as sanitization of hospital wards and isolation of actively infected patients.

His habit of spending more than he earned left him in a state of perpetual------ but he------------hoping to see a more affluent day

Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved------ for his-----------

You should --------this paragraph in order to make your essay more-----

A------glance pays-----attention to details

Surprisingly enough, it is more difficult to write about the--------than about the---and strange.

A-----response is one that is made with----------.

3. A----is a-------.

Consumption of red meat has ____ because its fat content has become a worrisome and ____ matter.

It takes ____ character to ____ the extremities of the arctic region.

Throughout the animal kingdom, ____ bigger than the elephant.

Although its publicity has been ___, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and altogether ___

The Inuit natives of Alaska's North Slope worry that ___ oil exploration might ___their sensitive natural environment.

In the given sentence, identify the gerund phrase: "Running marathons in extreme weather conditions requires immense determination and endurance."

Identify the logical fallacy in the following argument: "I've never seen a black swan; therefore, black swans do not exist."

Choose the word that best completes the analogy: Adorn: Decorate :: _______ : Amass

Which of the following is a common invasive species affecting forests?

The primary purpose of sustainable forestry is:

The term "silviculture" refers to:

In forestry, the term "coppicing" refers to:

Which type of forest management aims to mimic natural disturbances, such as wildfires?

The practice of removing dead or diseased trees from a forest is known as:

Regeneration of a forest without direct human intervention is referred to as:

The primary purpose of riparian forest buffers is:

Which international agreement focuses on combating illegal logging and promoting trade in legally harvested timber?

In the context of biodiversity, the term "keystone species" refers to: