GAT Subject Test (Statistics)

National Testing Service Pakistan

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Florence Nightingale was ___ in the development of modern medicine, ___ such practices as sanitization of hospital wards and isolation of actively infected patients.

His habit of spending more than he earned left him in a state of perpetual------ but he------------hoping to see a more affluent day

Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved------ for his-----------

You should --------this paragraph in order to make your essay more-----

A------glance pays-----attention to details

Surprisingly enough, it is more difficult to write about the--------than about the---and strange.

A-----response is one that is made with----------.

3. A----is a-------.

Consumption of red meat has ____ because its fat content has become a worrisome and ____ matter.

It takes ____ character to ____ the extremities of the arctic region.

Throughout the animal kingdom, ____ bigger than the elephant.

Although its publicity has been ___, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and altogether ___

The Inuit natives of Alaska's North Slope worry that ___ oil exploration might ___their sensitive natural environment.

In the given sentence, identify the gerund phrase: "Running marathons in extreme weather conditions requires immense determination and endurance."

Identify the logical fallacy in the following argument: "I've never seen a black swan; therefore, black swans do not exist."

Choose the word that best completes the analogy: Adorn: Decorate :: _______ : Amass

What is the primary purpose of inferential statistics?

What does a p-value represent in hypothesis testing?

Which of the following is NOT a type of hypothesis test?

What does the Central Limit Theorem state?

What is the purpose of a confidence interval?

What does a Type I error represent?

In which scenario would you use a chi-square test?

What does the term "power" refer to in hypothesis testing?

Which of the following is a non-parametric test?

What is the main assumption of linear regression analysis?

In hypothesis testing, what does a (alpha) represent?

What is the null hypothesis in a t-test for means?

Which of the following is true about a 95% confidence interval?

What type of data is required for ANOVA?

In regression analysis, what does R? represent?

What is the main purpose of post-hoc tests in ANOVA?

What does a confidence level of 99% imply?

Which of the following is an assumption of the t-test?

What is the main focus of inferential statistics?

In a one-way ANOVA, what does the F-statistic compare?

What is the effect of increasing sample size on the standard error?

Which test would you use to compare the means of three or more groups?

What is the purpose of a hypothesis test?

Which of the following is a characteristic of a normal distribution?

What does it mean if a result is statistically significant?

In a regression equation, what does the intercept represent?

What is the purpose of a control group in an experiment?

What does a negative correlation indicate?

Which of the following is a limitation of inferential statistics?

What is the purpose of a scatter plot in regression analysis?

In hypothesis testing, what does it mean to "reject the null hypothesis"?

What is the main characteristic of non-parametric tests?

Which of the following is an example of a Type II error?

What is the purpose of the Bonferroni correction?

What does a high p-value indicate?

In regression analysis, what does multicollinearity refer to?

What is the main goal of a regression analysis?

What does the term "effect size" refer to?

Which of the following tests is used for paired samples?

What is the purpose of a sample in inferential statistics?

What does a confidence interval of (10, 20) imply?

In a two-sample t-test, what assumption is made about the variances?

What is the main purpose of bootstrapping in statistics?

What does a 95% confidence interval mean?

Which of the following is an assumption of linear regression?

What is the purpose of a regression coefficient?

What is the primary purpose of probability distributions?

What is the primary purpose of probability distributions?

Which of the following is a discrete probability distribution?

What is the main characteristic of a binomial distribution?

In a normal distribution, what is the relationship between the mean and median?

What is the purpose of the standard normal distribution?

Which of the following is a property of the Poisson distribution?

What is the relationship between the mean and standard deviation in a normal distribution?

In a geometric distribution, what does the parameter p represent?

What is the purpose of the Central Limit Theorem?

Which of the following is a continuous probability distribution?

In a normal distribution, what does the 68-95-99

What is the main assumption of the Poisson distribution?

What is the relationship between the normal and binomial distributions?

In an exponential distribution, what does the parameter ? represent?

What is the purpose of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the main assumption?

What is the relationship between the mean and variance in an exponential distribution?

In a normal distribution, what does the 95% confidence interval represent?

What is the purpose of the Poisson process?

In a binomial distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the relationship between the normal and lognormal distributions?

In a geometric distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the purpose of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution when n is large and p is small?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the relationship between the mean and variance in a Poisson distribution?

In an exponential distribution, what is the probability density function?

What is the purpose of the normal approximation to the binomial distribution?

What is the relationship between the normal and uniform distributions?

In a Poisson distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the purpose of the lognormal distribution?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the expected number of successes?

What is the relationship between the normal and exponential distributions?

In a binomial distribution, what is the expected number of successes?

What is the purpose of the Central Limit Theorem in the context of probability distributions?

In a normal distribution, what is the probability density function?

What is the relationship between the Poisson and exponential distributions?

In a geometric distribution, what is the variance?

What is the purpose of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution when n is large and p is small?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the variance?

What is the relationship between the normal and lognormal distributions?

What is the purpose of the normal approximation to the binomial distribution when n is large and p is close to 0

In an exponential distribution, what is the cumulative distribution function?

What is the role of 'hyperparameter tuning' in time series forecasting?

In the context of a time series, what does 'MA' stand for in an ARMA model?

What does the term 'autoregressive' imply in the context of time series models?

Which of the following techniques is used to handle missing data in time series?

What is the purpose of the 'Box-Cox transformation' in time series analysis?

In a seasonal decomposition, what component represents the repeating patterns at fixed intervals?

What is 'overfitting' in the context of time series modeling?

Which of the following is a non-parametric method for time series forecasting?

What is the primary goal of seasonal adjustment in time series analysis?

In a Holt-Winters seasonal model, what does the 'gamma' parameter represent?

Which method smooths time series data to identify trends and seasonal components?

In time series forecasting, what is 'backtesting'?

What does the PACF (Partial Autocorrelation Function) measure?

What is the purpose of the KPSS test?

In a time series context, what does 'cointegration' imply?

What is the main purpose of the ADF test in time series analysis?

When applying a Fourier transform to a time series, what type of analysis are you performing?

What does the 'Q' in the Box-Jenkins model represent?

Which of the following is a key assumption of stationarity in time series analysis?

What is the primary purpose of differencing a time series?

In ARIMA models, what does the 'I' stand for?

What does the Ljung-Box test assess in a time series?

In the context of an AR(p) model, 'p' stands for:

What is the primary characteristic of a seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) model?

What is a key difference between ARMA and ARIMA models?

Which method would you use to forecast a non-linear time series?

In a GARCH model, what does the conditional variance depend on?

What is the Durbin-Watson test used for in time series analysis?

In the context of time series, what does 'heteroscedasticity' refer to?

Which type of plot is useful for identifying the presence of seasonality in a time series?

What does 'RMSE' stand for in the context of model evaluation?

In a time series, what does 'differencing' aim to achieve?

What does the term 'backshift operator' refer to in time series analysis?

Which method is suitable for capturing long-range dependencies in time series data?

In time series analysis, what does 'white noise' refer to?

What is the key difference between an ARIMA and a SARIMA model?

Which method is used to detect structural breaks in a time series?

In time series forecasting, what is the purpose of using a holdout sample?