LAW-GAT - Law Graduate Assessment Test

Education Testing Council HEC Pakistan

3 contributor - 1 Folowers

What landmark case overturned the ruling of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the State vs Dosso and another (PLD 1958 SC 533)?

Which case contested the validity of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999, in the eyes of the law?

In what way did the ruling in the State vs Dosso and another (PLD 1950 SC 533) change the legal landscape?

According to Article 93 of the United Nations Charter, which entities are parties to the statute of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?

How are the members of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) elected, as per Article 8 of its Statute?

Which organization does not qualify as a principal organ of the United Nations?

What is an example of "ta'zir" punishment?

What is the punishment for "Qatl-i-Khata"?

What is the compensation for causing the loss of a finger of a hand or foot, according to Islamic law?

In bailable offenses, what status does bail hold?

What action may a Magistrate take if they believe that detaining a person is necessary to prevent a breach of peace?

What is the literal meaning of the term "Fiqh"?

What is an example of the application of Maslah Mursalah in Islamic jurisprudence?

According to Al-Sarakshi, what is the consequence of establishing a new rule while using Istishab?

In accordance with Article 163(1) of the Qanoon-e-Shahadat, 1984, when the plaintiff takes an oath in support of their claim, the court shall, at the plaintiff’s request, require the defendant ___.

According to the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan, what was the consequence for the movers of a failed resolution for the removal of the President from office through impeachment?

Under the Government of India Act, 1935, how was the federal legislature structured?

How did the Government of India Act, 1935, address the representation of labour interests in the legislative process?

Extradition proceedings are based on:

Dolus Specialis refers to:

Which one of the laws is not a source of International Law?

Which of the following conventions encourages state parties to reward indigenous knowledge?

United Nations Convention against Torture 1984 prohibits acts of torture committed by:

The Just War doctrine was repudiated after the entry into force of:

The task of the United Nations Peace Keepers is to:

The Montevideo Convention 1933:

According to the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea, the breadth of Exclusive Economic Zones shall not extend beyond:

The UN Convention against Corruption 2006 encourages member states to make laws aimed at protecting:

Aut dedere aut judicare obligation requires states to:

Universal jurisdiction is exercised on the basis of:

Jus ad bellum refers to:

Which of the following represent military targets:

Remedies for unlawful use of force include:

Select the meaning of the principle of rebus sic stantibus:

Select the name that is considered to be the father of International Law:

Jus Soli is a principle associated with:

Piracy is a crime within the jurisdiction of the:

"Couples are made in heaven" is a quotation of:

What is the effect of El??

What is the effect of Zihar?

Term ?Khabar W??id? is used for ?ad?th:

According to the Mu'tazila, the Will of Allah Almighty can be traced:

Authority to appoint an arbitrator in case of dispute between spouses is the order of:

Crime of ?add-i-Zin? is proved by four witnesses and:

A guest steals gold from his host's house worth more than the standard amount of theft, the guest is liable to punishment of:

Number of Witnesses Required for execution of ?add-i-Qadhf:

What is meant by Rib? al-Nasiyah?

Necessary elements for Nik??-i-Misy?r are:

Missing element in Nik??-i-Shigh?r is:

The majority of jurists consider that Khul'a is:

?Iddat of a woman who does not menstruate, due to any factor is:

Agreed upon legal sources of Shariah among all jurists are:

The term ???kim? (Ruler) refers to:

After forgiveness of Qi?a?, Punishment of Diyat is: