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Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
How are judges appointed and removed in Turkey?
A. Judges are appointed by the President and can only be removed by the Grand National Assembly..
B. Judges are appointed by the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors and removal requires a disciplinary process overseen by the Constitutional Court..
C. Judges are appointed by the Council of Ministers and can be removed by the President with Constitutional Court recommendations..
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
What is the primary role of the Senate in the French bicameral system?
A. Conducting impeachment proceedings.
B. Scrutinizing government bills.
C. Ratifying international treaties.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
According to the French Constitution, what mechanism allows the President to submit certain policy matters to a national referendum?
A. Constitutional Council Authorization.
B. Article 11.
C. Council of Ministers' Decision.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
What constitutional doctrine in the UK is associated with the principle that "what the Crown has done, the Crown can undo"?
A. Doctrine of Desuetude.
B. Doctrine of Ultra Vires.
C. Royal Prerogative.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
What is the minimum percentage of votes required in the National People's Congress to pass a constitutional amendment?
A. Three-fifths majority.
B. Two-third majority.
C. Simple majority.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
What is the name of the bicameral parliament in France, consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate?
A. Le Parlement.
B. La Chambre des Député.
C. Bundestag.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
What is the role of the French Council of State (Conseil d'État) in the legal system?
A. Administrative justice.
B. Criminal prosecutions.
C. Legislation.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
Which organ of the Turkish government has the authority to enact laws on matters related to the organization and duties of the Armed Forces?
A. National Security Council.
B. Council of Ministers.
C. Grand National Assembly.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
Which organ of the Turkish government is responsible for interpreting the Constitution?
A. Constitutional Court.
B. Court of Cassation.
C. Council of State.
D. None of these.
Amna Jilani
Constitutional Law
Which country's constitution grants extensive powers to the judiciary including the ability to issue advisory opinions and influence policymaking?
A. United Kingdom.
B. Russia.
C. United States of America.
D. None of these.
International Law
British History
European History
History of USA
Islamic History & Culture
History of Pakistan & India
Constitutional Law
International Relations
Journalism & Mass Communication
Political Science