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Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
What is the name of the process by which a particle and its antiparticle annihilate into photons?
A. Pair production.
B. Pair annihilation.
C. Compton scattering.
D. Bremsstrahlung.
Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
A beam of particles passes through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus with a magnetic field gradient oriented in the z-direction. What is the effect on the beam?
A. The beam is split into two beams with opposite spin components in the x-direction.
B. The beam is split into two beams with opposite spin components in the y-direction.
C. The beam is split into two beams with opposite spin components in the z-direction.
D. The beam remains unchanged.
Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
What is the purpose of the wave function renormalization in Quantum Field Theory?
A. To remove the infinite self-energy of particles.
B. To introduce the concept of antiparticles.
C. To ensure the Lorentz invariance of the theory.
D. To account for the spin-statistics theorem.
Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
A particle is in a superposition of two energy eigenstates, |Ļ= a|E1+ b|E2. What is the probability of finding the particle in the energy eigenstate |E1?
A. |a|^2 / (|a|^2 + |b|^2).
B. a / ( a + b ).
C. b / ( a + b ).
D. None of these.
Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
What is the physical significance of the commutator of the position and momentum operators in Quantum Mechanics?
A. It represents the uncertainty principle.
B. It determines the energy eigenvalues.
C. It is a measure of the particle's spin.
D. It is a constant of motion.
Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
In the context of quantum mechanics, what does the term "wavefunction collapse" refer to?
A. The phenomenon where a wavefunction spreads out over time..
B. The process of normalizing a wavefunction..
C. The sudden transition of a wavefunction into one of the eigenstates upon measurement..
D. The interference pattern created by a superposition of wavefunctions..
Gitofa Shah
Quantum Mechanics
Which of the following statements about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is correct?
A. It states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be measured at the same time..
B. It implies that the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum measurements is always greater than or equal to ā / 2..
C. It suggests that particles do not have definite positions and momenta..
D. It is a consequence of the wave-particle duality of light..
Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Atomic Physics
Nuclear Physics
Classical Mechanics
Special Relativity
Laboratory Methods
Optics and Wave Phenomena