MCAT® (Medical College Admission Test®)

Association of American Medical Colleges

3 contributor - 2 Folowers

Which of the following best describes the role of an enzyme in a biochemical reaction?

During glycolysis, which molecule is directly converted into pyruvate?

Which of the following statements about the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes is correct?

In the central dogma of molecular biology, which process involves the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template?

Which organelle is primarily responsible for the production of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation?

What is the role of the enzyme DNA ligase in DNA replication?

Which of the following is a correct statement about the function of ribosomes?

What is the primary function of the sodium-potassium pump in animal cells?

Which metabolic pathway directly produces NADPH and ribose-5-phosphate?

What is the primary function of myoglobin in muscle cells?

Which of the following describes the type of bonding and interaction within a DNA double helix?

During oxidative phosphorylation, the energy for ATP synthesis is directly provided by:

What is the main role of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase in red blood cells?

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between Gibbs free energy (ΔG) and the spontaneity of a chemical reaction?

In an electrolytic cell, which of the following occurs at the cathode?

What type of intermolecular force is primarily responsible for the high boiling point of water?

In the context of enzyme kinetics, what does a low Km value indicate about an enzyme's affinity for its substrate?

Which of the following statements about the photoelectric effect is correct?

Which theory of emotion suggests that we experience emotions after interpreting physiological arousal in the context of our environment?

In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, the bell represents which component of the conditioning process?

What part of the brain is primarily responsible for the regulation of hunger and thirst?

In social psychology, what is the phenomenon called when people are less likely to help someone in need when others are present?

What term describes the process by which a behavior that is followed by a satisfying outcome is more likely to occur again?

Which theory suggests that our social behavior is an exchange process, where the aim is to maximize benefits and minimize costs?

What is the primary difference between a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study?

What term describes the mental shortcut we use when making quick judgments based on how easily examples come to mind?

In which stage of Piaget?s cognitive development do children begin to think logically about concrete events, but struggle with abstract concepts?

According to Erikson, what is the primary psychosocial conflict faced during young adulthood?

Which hormone is responsible for the fight-or-flight response during stress?

In attribution theory, what is the tendency to underestimate situational factors and overestimate personal traits when explaining others' behavior?

In Maslow?s hierarchy of needs, which type of need must be fulfilled before an individual can focus on self-actualization?

What type of reinforcement schedule provides reinforcement after an unpredictable number of responses?

Which of the following is NOT part of the limbic system?

Which term refers to the belief that one?s culture is superior to others?

In the context of learning, what is "shaping"?