Joint Entrance Exam Advanced (JEE Advanced)

Joint Admission Board (JAB-IITs-IISc)

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The Net Magnetic flux from any closed surface is

Electric displacement current through a surface S is by definition proportional to the

Classical mechanics explains how _______ moves.

DNA model was presented by Watson and Crick in

The "energy carrier" ATP is an example of a(n)

S-adenosyl methionine is a group donor of

Nucleotides also serve as carriers of activated intermediates in the synthesis of

Solve the equation 2/6 (3a + 2b) – 1/2 (2a + 4b) -2(12a – 6b)?

The solution set of the inequality |x + 4| ≥ 2 is

Which of the following statements about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is correct?

In the context of quantum mechanics, what does the term "wavefunction collapse" refer to?

What is the physical significance of the commutator of the position and momentum operators in Quantum Mechanics?

What is the purpose of the wave function renormalization in Quantum Field Theory?

A beam of particles passes through a Stern-Gerlach apparatus with a magnetic field gradient oriented in the z-direction. What is the effect on the beam?

What is the name of the process by which a particle and its antiparticle annihilate into photons?

What is the name of the statistical ensemble that describes a system with a fixed number of particles, volume, and energy?

What is the name of the theorem that relates the entropy of a system to the number of possible microstates?

What is the name of the statistical mechanical potential that describes a system at constant temperature and pressure?

A gas is compressed adiabatically from pressure P1 to P2. What is the change in temperature of the gas?

What is the name of the thermodynamic potential that describes a system at constant pressure and temperature?

What is the primary reason for the asymmetry of the protein structure?

Which technique would you use to study the dynamics of a protein-ligand interaction?

What is the name of the process by which cells generate force to move or change shape?

Which biophysical technique measures the rotation of a molecule around its axis?

What is the term for the minimum energy required for a protein to fold into its native structure?

Which type of spectroscopy measures the vibrational modes of molecules?

What is the name of the process by which cells sense and respond to mechanical forces?

Which biophysical technique measures the distance between two points in a biomolecule?

What is the term for the study of the physical principles underlying biological systems?

Which type of microscopy uses a focused laser beam to image biological samples?

Which quantum number specifies the shape of an atomic orbital?

Which of the following transitions in the hydrogen atom results in the emission of the highest energy photon?

Which of the following particles is emitted during beta-minus decay?

Which nuclear reaction is responsible for the energy production in the Sun and other stars?

What is the fundamental force responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?

Which of the following statements about the bonding in ethyne (acetylene, C2H2) is correct?

Which of the following functional groups can act as both an acid and a base?

Which of the following compounds is chiral?

In which of the following reactions does the formation of a carbocation intermediate occur?

What is the first step in the retrosynthetic analysis of 1-bromo-2-phenylethane?

Which of the following compounds is not aromatic?

In an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction, which intermediate is formed?

Which of the following statements about the polymerization of ethylene to form polyethylene is correct?

Which of the following heterocycles contains nitrogen and is aromatic?

Which type of enzyme catalysis involves the formation of a covalent bond between the enzyme and the substrate?

Which of the following principles is not one of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry?

Which of the following elements has the highest second ionization energy?

Which of the following elements forms a stable diatomic molecule in the gas phase?

Which of the following transition metals exhibits the highest number of oxidation states?

Which of the following actinides is commonly used as a fuel in nuclear reactors?

Which of the following is a typical example of an inner-sphere electron transfer reaction?

Which of the following methods is commonly used to synthesize graphene?