Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Odisha Joint Entrance Examinations Board

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Macroeconomics distinguishes between the real economy and the

Until the First World War, the prices

If the sum of the edges of a cube is 48 inches, the volume of the cube is

The cube of 1/3 is

Florence Nightingale was ___ in the development of modern medicine, ___ such practices as sanitization of hospital wards and isolation of actively infected patients.

His habit of spending more than he earned left him in a state of perpetual------ but he------------hoping to see a more affluent day

Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved------ for his-----------

You should --------this paragraph in order to make your essay more-----

A------glance pays-----attention to details

A piece of wood 35 feet, 6 inches long was used to make 4 shelves of equal length. The length of each shelf was

Which of the following expressions has the greatest value?

The integral part of logarithm is called

On the y-axis, the x-coordinate is

Surprisingly enough, it is more difficult to write about the--------than about the---and strange.

A-----response is one that is made with----------.

3. A----is a-------.

Consumption of red meat has ____ because its fat content has become a worrisome and ____ matter.

It takes ____ character to ____ the extremities of the arctic region.

Throughout the animal kingdom, ____ bigger than the elephant.

If 2 and 4 each divide q without remainder, which of the following must q divide without remainder.

If 5x = 3, then (5x + 3)² =

If m/n = .75, then what is 3m + 2n?

Which is greater? Column A is (10/4) / (3/2) * (3/7) and Column B is (3/4) * (10/7) / (3/2)

Which of the following has a graph that is symmetric to the x-axis

The prime factors of 96 are

2- 3 =

If x + 1 < 3x + 5, then

Which of the numbers cannot be represented by a repeating decimal?

Although its publicity has been ___, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and altogether ___

The Inuit natives of Alaska's North Slope worry that ___ oil exploration might ___their sensitive natural environment.

Nervous system carries ... from one part of body to another?

Central nervous system consist of spinal cord and

Accumulation of ... in kidneys creates stones in kidneys

Kidney stones can be removed by using more ...

... is the treatment for removing kidney stones

Medulla Oblongata controls the ...

If the body movement are not precise and accurate which part can we say is effected?

Which organ filers the nitrogenous wastes of blood?

Which gas is used for artificial ripening of green fruit

Which planet is closest to the earth

Who prepared the sulfuric Acid

A disease lockjaw also commonly known as

Largest and even longest bone in human body is

Which branch of physics deals with Atomic nuclei

Sonar help in measuring

900/10 + 90/100 + 9/1000 = ?

Which of the following is NOT included in the calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Which of the following measures is used to adjust Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for inflation?

Which of the following transactions would be included in the calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Which of the following is NOT a component of the expenditure approach to calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Which of the following is an example of a transfer payment?

Which of the following is NOT a limitation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic welfare?

In the circular flow of income, which sector consists of households?

Which country is actually not a country but a stolen land by Zionists?

The recent escalation of tensions between Russia and a NATO member state is primarily due to a dispute over

The newly elected leader of Brazil has pledged to focus on

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned of a potential global recession triggered by

The term "metaverse" is becoming increasingly popular and refers to

The recent summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea focused on

In a group of friends, Alice is taller than Bob, Bob is taller than Carol, and Carol is taller than David. If Alice is not the tallest in the group, which of the following must be true?

If all fruits are vegetables and some vegetables are red, which of the following statements is necessarily true?

In the given sentence, identify the gerund phrase: "Running marathons in extreme weather conditions requires immense determination and endurance."

Identify the logical fallacy in the following argument: "I've never seen a black swan; therefore, black swans do not exist."

Choose the word that best completes the analogy: Adorn: Decorate :: _______ : Amass

What is the main function of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer?

When does a computer perform a boot-up process?

Where is the operating system typically stored in a computer?

Who is known as the father of computers?

Why is it important to have antivirus software installed on a computer?

What is the primary role of DNA in living organisms?

What is the primary gas in Earth's atmosphere?

What is the process by which plants make their food?

Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

What is the pH level of pure water?

What type of bond involves the sharing of electron pairs?

Which vitamin is produced when skin is exposed to sunlight?

What is the main function of red blood cells?

What is the chemical formula for table salt?

Which organ is primarily responsible for digestion?

What is the process of converting a liquid to a gas called?

Which of the following is a characteristic of acids?

What is the primary function of the respiratory system?

Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

What is the main component of natural gas?

What is the boiling point of water at sea level?

Which type of energy is stored in food?

What is the primary function of the skin?

Which of the following is a characteristic of metals?

What is the primary purpose of vaccines?

Which gas is commonly used in balloons?

What is the main source of energy for the Earth?

Which of the following is an example of a physical change?

What is the primary function of chlorophyll in plants?

Which of the following is a property of a solid?

What is the main function of the circulatory system?

Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

What is the primary role of enzymes in the body?

Which of the following is a characteristic of bases?

What is the primary purpose of the digestive system?

Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavelength?

What is the main component of the Earth's crust?

Which of the following is a function of the liver?

What is the primary source of energy for photosynthesis?

Which of the following is a characteristic of acids?

What is the main purpose of the skeletal system?

Which gas is produced during photosynthesis?

What is the primary function of the nervous system?

Which of the following is an example of a simple machine?

What is the primary function of the integumentary system?

What is the primary component of the cell membrane?

Which of the following is a characteristic of a liquid?

What is the primary role of the ozone layer?

Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

What is the primary purpose of chloroplasts in plant cells?

Which of the following is a characteristic of a gas?

What is the primary function of the endocrine system?

What is the main purpose of the scientific method?

Which of the following is a characteristic of a hypothesis?

Which Union Ministry has launched the "Digital India" initiative?

What is the main objective of the "Atmanirbhar Bharat" initiative?

Which Indian state launched the "Mahatma Gandhi Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojana"?

Who was appointed as the new Chief Justice of India in 2023?

Which Indian sportsperson won a gold medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games?

What is the proposed new name for the legal code for India, replacing the Indian Penal Code (IPC)?

Which country is set to launch the "BRICS Startup Forum" in 2023?

What is the primary focus of the "National Education Policy 2020"?

Which Indian city is set to host the G20 Summit in 2023?

What is the main aim of the "Swachh Bharat Mission"?

Which Indian state declared incessant rain as a "State calamity"?

Which institution has launched the "Floodwatch" mobile app?

What is the main focus of the "Digital India" initiative?

Which Indian state is known for the "Sundarbans" mangrove forest?

Who is the author of the book "The Immortal India"?

Which Indian state launched the "Bharat New Car Assessment Programme"?

What is the primary purpose of the "National Health Mission"?

Which Indian city is known as the "Silicon Valley of India"?

What is the main objective of the "Make in India" initiative?

Which Indian festival is known as the "Festival of Lights"?

What is the primary aim of the "National Livelihood Mission"?

Which Indian scientist is known for his work in space technology?

What is the primary focus of the "Skill India" initiative?

Which Indian state is famous for its tea plantations?

What is the main objective of the "National Green Tribunal"?

Who is the first Indian woman to win the Miss Universe title?

What is the primary focus of the "Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana"?

Which Indian city is known as the "City of Joy"?

What is the primary aim of the "National Education Policy 2020"?

What is the primary focus of the "Bharatmala Project"?

What is the main aim of the "Digital India" initiative?

Which Indian city is known as the "Pink City"?

What is the primary function of the Reserve Bank of India?

Which Indian state is famous for its cultural heritage?

What is the primary focus of the "National Health Mission"?

Which Indian sportsperson is known for badminton?

What is the primary aim of the "National Education Policy 2020"?

Which Indian state is known for its backwaters?

What is the main purpose of the "National Livelihood Mission"?

What is the primary focus of the "Skill India" initiative?

What is the main aim of the "Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana"?

Which Indian city is known as the "City of Joy"?

What is the primary aim of the "National Health Mission"?

Which Indian state is famous for its silk production?

What is the primary focus of the "Bharatmala Project"?

What is the primary aim of the "Digital India" initiative?

What is the main purpose of the "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan"?

Which of the following is not typically an element in the structural change that accompanies development?

A supply side vicious circle of poverty suggests that poor nations remain poor because:

When the manufacturer of power looms expands, there are forward linkage effects due to:

A certain amount of goods and services is necessary for a minimum standard of living. This is called:

There are strong theoretical reasons to expect that changes in wealth are responsible for changes in consumption. Nonetheless, one reason that we observe a tight link between consumption and disposable income is:

The accelerator principle states:

Economic growth measures the:

Non-traded goods do not enter measured GDP because:

The Keynesian assumption is a convenient analytical short cut and turns out to be a rather accurate description of the reality. What does it assume?

What is not a component of the GDP?

Which kind of demand fluctuates the most?

The labour measure (L) is:

Goal 1 of Sustainable Development Goals relates to:

Financial Inclusion means:

Gini coefficient is the measure of:

Economic development is measured by:

Core inflation measures:

Okun?s Law defines the relationship between:

GDP measures ?all goods and services _________________________ produced in a given year?.

The monetary policy tools are used for:

Quantity theory of money states that when the quantity of money increases, the value of money:

Fiscal and monetary policies are used to:

GNP measures:

In Pakistan, investment as a percentage of GDP is lower than:

Economic recession is defined as reduced economic activities and employment levels for at least:

Which of the following ports is used to connect external devices such as printers, scanners, and cameras to a computer?

Which type of monitor technology offers the widest viewing angles and accurate color reproduction?

Which component is responsible for providing power supply to all other components in a computer system?

What is an example of system software from the list below?

Fish liver oil contains:

When do day and night become equal in length?

What is the chemical formula for alum?

If the radius of a circle triples, how does its area change?

One degree of longitude at the equator corresponds to a distance of:

What is a protein molecule composed of?

Which vitamin is stored in the smallest amount in the human body?

Isotopes of an element have an equal number of:

The pH of soil is raised using:

Which of the following is used to measure astronomical distances?

Which compound has the most carbon atoms per mole?

A pencil appears bent when dipped in water due to:

Fish die outside water primarily due to:

Dementia in a person results in:

Earthquakes are measured using which instrument?

A cyclone forms when:

Why is red light used in traffic signals to indicate danger?

What is heavy water and its composition?

The ionosphere, located within the thermosphere, extends:

Who authored the book ?The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia?s New Geopolitics??

Krakow is a city located in:

The African Union?s Headquarters is located in:

The capital city of Costa Rica is:

TASS is the ___________ state-owned news agency.

The Boao Forum for Asia was established in:

Article 25(A) of Pakistan?s Constitution addresses the right to:

The 2023 World Snooker Championship was held in:

___________ is the currency of Nigeria.

The number of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) under CPEC is:

Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Louise Gl?ck, hails from:

The book titled ?The United States and the Turmoil in Afghanistan and Pakistan? is authored by:

The UN Climate Change Conference in November-December 2023 was held in:

World Tourism Day is celebrated annually on:

___________ is the current Chancellor of Germany.

The 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit was held on 18-19 September 2023 in: