Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Odisha Joint Entrance Examinations Board

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Macroeconomics distinguishes between the real economy and the

Until the First World War, the prices

If the sum of the edges of a cube is 48 inches, the volume of the cube is

The cube of 1/3 is

Florence Nightingale was ___ in the development of modern medicine, ___ such practices as sanitization of hospital wards and isolation of actively infected patients.

His habit of spending more than he earned left him in a state of perpetual------ but he------------hoping to see a more affluent day

Known for his commitment to numerous worthy causes, the philanthropist deserved------ for his-----------

You should --------this paragraph in order to make your essay more-----

A------glance pays-----attention to details

A piece of wood 35 feet, 6 inches long was used to make 4 shelves of equal length. The length of each shelf was

Which of the following expressions has the greatest value?

The integral part of logarithm is called

On the y-axis, the x-coordinate is

Surprisingly enough, it is more difficult to write about the--------than about the---and strange.

A-----response is one that is made with----------.

3. A----is a-------.

Consumption of red meat has ____ because its fat content has become a worrisome and ____ matter.

It takes ____ character to ____ the extremities of the arctic region.

Throughout the animal kingdom, ____ bigger than the elephant.

If 2 and 4 each divide q without remainder, which of the following must q divide without remainder.

If 5x = 3, then (5x + 3)² =

If m/n = .75, then what is 3m + 2n?

Which is greater? Column A is (10/4) / (3/2) * (3/7) and Column B is (3/4) * (10/7) / (3/2)

Which of the following has a graph that is symmetric to the x-axis

The prime factors of 96 are

2- 3 =

If x + 1 < 3x + 5, then

Which of the numbers cannot be represented by a repeating decimal?

Although its publicity has been ___, the film itself is intelligent, well-acted, handsomely produced and altogether ___

The Inuit natives of Alaska's North Slope worry that ___ oil exploration might ___their sensitive natural environment.

Nervous system carries ... from one part of body to another?

Central nervous system consist of spinal cord and

Accumulation of ... in kidneys creates stones in kidneys

Kidney stones can be removed by using more ...

... is the treatment for removing kidney stones

Medulla Oblongata controls the ...

If the body movement are not precise and accurate which part can we say is effected?

Which organ filers the nitrogenous wastes of blood?

Which gas is used for artificial ripening of green fruit

Which planet is closest to the earth

Who prepared the sulfuric Acid

A disease lockjaw also commonly known as

Largest and even longest bone in human body is

Which branch of physics deals with Atomic nuclei

Sonar help in measuring

900/10 + 90/100 + 9/1000 = ?

Which of the following is NOT included in the calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Which of the following measures is used to adjust Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for inflation?

Which of the following transactions would be included in the calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Which of the following is NOT a component of the expenditure approach to calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Which of the following is an example of a transfer payment?

Which of the following is NOT a limitation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic welfare?

In the circular flow of income, which sector consists of households?

Which country is actually not a country but a stolen land by Zionists?

The recent escalation of tensions between Russia and a NATO member state is primarily due to a dispute over

The newly elected leader of Brazil has pledged to focus on

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned of a potential global recession triggered by

The term "metaverse" is becoming increasingly popular and refers to

The recent summit between the leaders of the United States and North Korea focused on

In a group of friends, Alice is taller than Bob, Bob is taller than Carol, and Carol is taller than David. If Alice is not the tallest in the group, which of the following must be true?

If all fruits are vegetables and some vegetables are red, which of the following statements is necessarily true?

In the given sentence, identify the gerund phrase: "Running marathons in extreme weather conditions requires immense determination and endurance."

Identify the logical fallacy in the following argument: "I've never seen a black swan; therefore, black swans do not exist."

Choose the word that best completes the analogy: Adorn: Decorate :: _______ : Amass

What is the main function of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer?

When does a computer perform a boot-up process?

Where is the operating system typically stored in a computer?

Who is known as the father of computers?

Why is it important to have antivirus software installed on a computer?

What is the primary role of DNA in living organisms?

What is the primary gas in Earth's atmosphere?

What is the process by which plants make their food?