Instructor/Lecturer English PPSC

Punjab Public Service Commission Pakistan

3 contributor - 1 Folowers

What is the name of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which is a collection of annals that records the history of England from the 5th to the 11th centuries?

What is the name of the Old English poem that tells the story of a battle fought in 991 AD between the English and the Vikings?

Which Middle English poem is a satirical work that criticizes the corruption and greed of the Catholic Church, and features a character named Lady Meed?

Which of the following works is considered the first English novel and was written by Daniel Defoe?

Who is considered the greatest satirist of the Restoration period and the author of "Absalom and Achitophel"?

Which work by Jonathan Swift critiques human nature and the pettiness of human disputes through the travels of Lemuel Gulliver?

Which of the following poems by William Wordsworth is considered a manifesto of the Romantic movement, emphasizing the connection between nature and human emotion?

Which of these themes is NOT commonly associated with the works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge?

Which poem by John Keats is notable for its vivid imagery and meditation on the fleeting nature of life and beauty?

In which of Thomas Hardy's novels does the character Tess Durbeyfield struggle against social norms and injustices, ultimately facing a tragic end?

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

Identify the error in the sentence: "Neither the students nor the teacher were present

Which of the following is an example of a compound-complex sentence?

Choose the correct sentence:

Identify the type of clause in the sentence: "Although it was late, we decided to continue

Which of the following sentences uses the subjunctive mood correctly?

Identify the error in the sentence: "He is one of those people who is always late

Which of the following sentences is an example of passive voice?

Identify the error in the sentence: "Neither of the answers are correct

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Identify the type of sentence: "Can you believe it?"

What is the antonym of "verbose"?

Choose the correct form of the adjective: "This is the _____ book I have ever read

Which of the following is an example of an adverbial clause?

Identify the error in the sentence: "The committee have made their decision

Which of the following sentences uses a gerund correctly?

Identify the type of punctuation used in the sentence: "Wow! That's amazing!"

Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier?

Which of the following sentences is an example of a complex sentence?

What is the antonym of "arduous"?

Identify the error in the sentence: "Everyone should bring their own lunch

Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the verb?

Identify the type of sentence: "Please pass the salt

What is the antonym of "coherent"?

Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier?

What is the antonym of "meticulous"?

Choose the correct form of the adjective: "This is the _____ solution to the problem

Identify the error in the sentence: "He runs faster than me

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

What is the antonym of "fortuitous"?

According to Russell, what is the connection between envy and unhappiness?

What emotional tone is prevalent in the final stanza of Keats? Ode to Autumn?

What does "The Lotus Eater" symbolize in the context of the story?

Which literary technique is frequently employed by Whitman in the poem ?As I Ponder?d in Silence??

What does Ulysses mean by the phrase "to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield"?

How does Whitman convey a sense of inclusivity in the poem ?As I Ponder?d in Silence??

What war is looming in the background of Shaw?s Heartbreak House?

What style of theatre is often associated with Waiting for Godot?

Which of the following best characterizes the rhythm and meter of The Second Coming?

What is the central theme of The Lotus Eater?

What role does philosophy play in Under the Net by Iris Murdoch?

What role does symbolism play in Sons and Lovers?

What characterizes the language used in absurd theatre?

What genre influences Iris Murdoch's writing style in Under the Net?

How does deconstructionism challenge the traditional binary oppositions in language and thought?