Lecturer Biology

Federal Public Service Commission Pakistan

Lecturer Biology in FGI (Cantt/Garrisons) Colleges, Ministry of Defense, Second Class Master Degree or Equivalent Age 28 Years + 5 Years Gn Age relax

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Scapula is the bone of

What is the study of growing old is called?

What type of animal behavior is exemplified by the migration of monarch butterflies across North America?

Which type of cleavage pattern is characteristic of deuterosomes, such as echinoderms and chordates?

The process of breaking down organic matter into simpler compounds by microorganisms is:

The fundamental unit of heredity is called a:

What is the name of the process where DNA makes a copy of itself?

Which of the following describes a genotype?

What is the result of a cross between two heterozygous individuals (Rr x Rr) for a simple Mendelian trait?

Which structure holds the genetic code and is found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells?

What process separates alleles during gamete formation?

The observable traits of an organism are called:

If a mutation occurs in a somatic cell, what is the consequence for the offspring?

Which nitrogenous base is not found in RNA?

What is the role of ribosomes in the cell?

What kind of inheritance pattern is displayed when both alleles are equally expressed in a heterozygous organism?

In genetic terms, what is a recessive allele?

What is the purpose of a Punnett square in genetics?

What term describes a change in the sequence of DNA?

Which of the following best explains why siblings can look different from each other?

What is the role of tRNA in translation?

If an individual has two identical alleles for a trait, they are said to be:

Which of the following animal groups exhibits a closed circulatory system?

What is the primary function of nephridia in annelids?

What is the name of the larval stage of a frog?

Which of the following is a characteristic of mammals but not of other vertebrates?

What type of reproduction is found in honeybees, where males develop from unfertilized eggs?

What type of symmetry is found in adult echinoderms like sea stars?

What is the main nitrogenous waste excreted by birds and reptiles?

Which of the following organ systems do echinoderms use for locomotion?

In mammals, what is the primary function of the diaphragm?

What is the primary function of hemolymph in arthropods?

In which group of animals is external fertilization most common?

What is the major excretory product in aquatic animals like fish?

Which of the following structures is unique to the respiratory system of birds?

What is the term for animals that give birth to live young rather than laying eggs?

What is the function of chromatophores in cephalopods like octopuses?

What is the primary photosynthetic pigment in plants?

In which part of the plant does the Calvin cycle occur?

Which of the following plant hormones is responsible for cell elongation?

What is the term for water loss in plants through small openings on the leaves?

In which tissue of a plant would you find vessels and tracheids?

What is the name of the mutualistic association between fungi and plant roots?

Which of the following is a gymnosperm?

Which type of meristem is responsible for the secondary growth in plants?

Which plant hormone is associated with fruit ripening?

What is the process by which plants convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form they can use?

Which type of venation is commonly found in monocots?

What is the primary function of the Casparian strip in roots?

Which of the following is an example of a xerophyte?

What is the sugar produced during photosynthesis?

Which structure in the plant leaf is responsible for gas exchange?

What is the main difference between dicot and monocot seeds?

What type of asexual reproduction is common in strawberries?

What is the main component of plant cell walls?