MDCAT (Medical & Dental College Admission Test)

Pakistan Medical & Dental Council

MDCAT conducted by PMDC consist of 4 subjects Biology, Physics, Chemistry & English Time allowed 200 Minutes Total marks 200

5 contributor - 3 Folowers

When a helium atom loses an electron, it becomes:

Beta ray emitted by a radioactive substance is:

An electric charge in uniform motion produces:

What is emitted by a hot metal filament in a cathode ray tube?

If the mass of the bob of a pendulum is doubled its time period is:

The center of Newton rings is dark due to

Resistance in RC circuit of time constant 2 seconds is 1000 Ohms. What is the value of C in the circuit?

The Lenz’s law refers to induced __________

For atomic hydrogen spectrum, which of the following series lies in visible region of electromagnetic spectrum?

__________ are the particles that experience strong nuclear force.

The vertical velocity of ball thrown upward __________ with time.

Tuning of the radio is the best example of electrical __________

Which of the following lights travels the fastest in optical fibres?

Which type of bonding is present in NH4Cl?

Aldehydes can be synthesized by the oxidation of:

The products of the fermentation of a sugar are ethanol and:

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

Identify the error in the sentence: "Neither the students nor the teacher were present

Which of the following is an example of a compound-complex sentence?

Choose the correct sentence:

Identify the type of clause in the sentence: "Although it was late, we decided to continue

Which of the following sentences uses the subjunctive mood correctly?

Identify the error in the sentence: "He is one of those people who is always late

Which of the following sentences is an example of passive voice?

Identify the error in the sentence: "Neither of the answers are correct

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Identify the type of sentence: "Can you believe it?"

What is the antonym of "verbose"?

Choose the correct form of the adjective: "This is the _____ book I have ever read

Which of the following is an example of an adverbial clause?

Identify the error in the sentence: "The committee have made their decision

Which of the following sentences uses a gerund correctly?

Identify the type of punctuation used in the sentence: "Wow! That's amazing!"

Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier?

Which of the following sentences is an example of a complex sentence?

What is the antonym of "arduous"?

Identify the error in the sentence: "Everyone should bring their own lunch

Which of the following sentences uses the correct form of the verb?

Identify the type of sentence: "Please pass the salt

What is the antonym of "coherent"?

Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier?

What is the antonym of "meticulous"?

Choose the correct form of the adjective: "This is the _____ solution to the problem

Identify the error in the sentence: "He runs faster than me

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

What is the antonym of "fortuitous"?

Which process describes the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane?

What is the primary function of hemoglobin in the body?

Which of the following best describes the function of tRNA during protein synthesis?

What type of cell division results in the production of gametes?

What is the role of insulin in the human body?

In which phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

Which of the following structures is responsible for the production of ribosomes?

What type of bond holds the two strands of DNA together?

Which organelle is primarily involved in detoxification and lipid synthesis?

Which process results in the production of lactic acid during anaerobic respiration in humans?

What type of immunity involves the production of antibodies in response to an antigen?

Which hormone is responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle in humans?

What is the primary function of the large intestine in the digestive system?

What is the primary role of B lymphocytes in the immune response?

What is the role of the myelin sheath in neurons?

What is the molecular geometry of methane (CH4) according to VSEPR theory?

Which of the following is an example of a strong acid?

What is the relationship between pressure and volume for a gas at constant temperature, according to Boyle's Law?

Which element has the highest electronegativity?

Which of the following salts is insoluble in water?

Which type of radioactive decay results in the release of an electron from the nucleus?

Which of the following describes the process of reducing a ketone to an alcohol?

What is the main characteristic of a buffer solution?

Which gas law explains the relationship between temperature and volume at constant pressure?

Which of the following best describes a Lewis acid?

In a galvanic cell, what happens at the anode?

Which of the following processes occurs at the cathode in an electrolytic cell?

What type of intermolecular force is the strongest?