Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT-E)

Education Testing Council HEC Pakistan

Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT-E) Having 12 years/ equivalent Education in Pre-Engineering

13 contributor - 0 Folowers

The solution set of the inequality |x + 4| ≥ 2 is

Solve the equation 2/6 (3a + 2b) – 1/2 (2a + 4b) -2(12a – 6b)?

Electric displacement current through a surface S is by definition proportional to the

Classical mechanics explains how _______ moves.

If the sum of the edges of a cube is 48 inches, the volume of the cube is

The cube of 1/3 is











Choose correct sentence

Which one is correct

Lahore ___________ a very hot climate.

One of the least effective ways of sorting information is learning ____ it.













A piece of wood 35 feet, 6 inches long was used to make 4 shelves of equal length. The length of each shelf was

Which of the following expressions has the greatest value?

The integral part of logarithm is called

On the y-axis, the x-coordinate is





The Net Magnetic flux from any closed surface is

If 2 and 4 each divide q without remainder, which of the following must q divide without remainder.

If 5x = 3, then (5x + 3)² =

If m/n = .75, then what is 3m + 2n?

Which is greater? Column A is (10/4) / (3/2) * (3/7) and Column B is (3/4) * (10/7) / (3/2)

Which of the following has a graph that is symmetric to the x-axis

The prime factors of 96 are

2- 3 =

If x + 1 < 3x + 5, then

Which of the numbers cannot be represented by a repeating decimal?



900/10 + 90/100 + 9/1000 = ?











Which one best express a cause-and-effect relationship between air pollution and respiratory problems

Which one is a contrasting idea to the statement "Traveling by plane is the fastest way to reach distant locations."

Which one emphasizes the urgency of taking action to protect endangered species.

Which one introduce a specific example to support the claim that exercise has numerous benefits?

A gas is compressed adiabatically from pressure P1 to P2. What is the change in temperature of the gas?

What is the name of the thermodynamic potential that describes a system at constant pressure and temperature?

Which of the following statements about the bonding in ethyne (acetylene, C2H2) is correct?

Which of the following functional groups can act as both an acid and a base?

Which of the following compounds is chiral?

In which of the following reactions does the formation of a carbocation intermediate occur?

What is the first step in the retrosynthetic analysis of 1-bromo-2-phenylethane?

Which of the following compounds is not aromatic?

In an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction, which intermediate is formed?

Which of the following statements about the polymerization of ethylene to form polyethylene is correct?

Which of the following heterocycles contains nitrogen and is aromatic?

Which type of enzyme catalysis involves the formation of a covalent bond between the enzyme and the substrate?

Which of the following principles is not one of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry?

Which of the following elements has the highest second ionization energy?

Which of the following elements forms a stable diatomic molecule in the gas phase?

Which of the following transition metals exhibits the highest number of oxidation states?

Which of the following actinides is commonly used as a fuel in nuclear reactors?

Which of the following is a typical example of an inner-sphere electron transfer reaction?

Which of the following methods is commonly used to synthesize graphene?

Which of the following particles is emitted during beta-minus decay?

Which nuclear reaction is responsible for the energy production in the Sun and other stars?

What is the fundamental force responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus?

What is the primary purpose of probability distributions?

What is the primary purpose of probability distributions?

Which of the following is a discrete probability distribution?

What is the main characteristic of a binomial distribution?

In a normal distribution, what is the relationship between the mean and median?

What is the purpose of the standard normal distribution?

Which of the following is a property of the Poisson distribution?

What is the relationship between the mean and standard deviation in a normal distribution?

In a geometric distribution, what does the parameter p represent?

What is the purpose of the Central Limit Theorem?

Which of the following is a continuous probability distribution?

In a normal distribution, what does the 68-95-99

What is the main assumption of the Poisson distribution?

What is the relationship between the normal and binomial distributions?

In an exponential distribution, what does the parameter ? represent?

What is the purpose of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the main assumption?

What is the relationship between the mean and variance in an exponential distribution?

In a normal distribution, what does the 95% confidence interval represent?

What is the purpose of the Poisson process?

In a binomial distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the relationship between the normal and lognormal distributions?

In a geometric distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the purpose of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution when n is large and p is small?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the relationship between the mean and variance in a Poisson distribution?

In an exponential distribution, what is the probability density function?

What is the purpose of the normal approximation to the binomial distribution?

What is the relationship between the normal and uniform distributions?

In a Poisson distribution, what is the probability mass function?

What is the purpose of the lognormal distribution?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the expected number of successes?

What is the relationship between the normal and exponential distributions?

In a binomial distribution, what is the expected number of successes?

What is the purpose of the Central Limit Theorem in the context of probability distributions?

In a normal distribution, what is the probability density function?

What is the relationship between the Poisson and exponential distributions?

In a geometric distribution, what is the variance?

What is the purpose of the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution when n is large and p is small?

In a hypergeometric distribution, what is the variance?

What is the relationship between the normal and lognormal distributions?

What is the purpose of the normal approximation to the binomial distribution when n is large and p is close to 0

In an exponential distribution, what is the cumulative distribution function?

What is the antonym of "abate"?

What is the antonym of "cacophony"?

What is the antonym of "benevolent"?

What is the antonym of "ephemeral"?

What is the antonym of "garrulous"?

What is the antonym of "insipid"?

What is the antonym of "meticulous"?

What is the antonym of "obfuscate"?

What is the antonym of "prodigious"?

What is the antonym of "quixotic"?

What is the antonym of "recalcitrant"?

What is the antonym of "sanguine"?

What is the antonym of "tacit"?

What is the antonym of "ubiquitous"?

What is the antonym of "vicarious"?

What is the antonym of "wanton"?

What is the antonym of "zealous"?

What is the antonym of "abstruse"?

What is the antonym of "cogent"?

What is the antonym of "dormant"?

What is the antonym of "effulgent"?

What is the antonym of "fortuitous"?

What is the antonym of "gregarious"?

What is the antonym of "harangue"?

What is the antonym of "immutable"?

What is the antonym of "juxtapose"?

What is the antonym of "kismet"?

What is the antonym of "luminous"?

What is the antonym of "mendacious"?

What is the antonym of "nefarious"?

What is the antonym of "obsequious"?

What is the antonym of "palpable"?

What is the antonym of "quiescent"?

What is the antonym of "replete"?

What is the antonym of "soporific"?

What is the antonym of "tenuous"?

What is the antonym of "ubiquitous"?

What is the antonym of "venerate"?

What is the antonym of "wary"?

What is the antonym of "zephyr"?

What is the antonym of "abject"?

What is the antonym of "cursory"?

What is the antonym of "dissonant"?

What is the antonym of "efficacious"?

What is the antonym of "genuine"?

What is the antonym of "hallowed"?

What is the antonym of "immutable"?

What is the antonym of "languid"?

What is the antonym of "mollify"?

What is the antonym of "neophyte"?

The word nearly opposite to UBIQUITOUS:

The word nearly opposite to PERNICIOUS:

The word nearly opposite to MELLIFLUOUS:

The word nearly opposite to EPHEMERAL:

The word nearly opposite to ASTUTE:

The word nearly opposite to ENTHRALL:

The word nearly opposite to SYCOPHANT:

The word nearly opposite to ASSUAGE:

The word nearly opposite to RETICENT:

The word nearly opposite to INCESSANT:

The word nearly similar to ESOTERIC:

The word nearly similar to SQUALID:

The word nearly similar to TACITURN:

The word nearly similar to CONSTRICT:

The word nearly similar to LOQUACIOUS:

The word nearly similar to INDOLENT:

The word nearly similar to COALESCE:

The word nearly similar to RANCOR:

The word nearly similar to ACQUIESCE: