CEETA-PG - Common Engineering Entrance Test and Admission

Anna University, Chennai

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Electric displacement current through a surface S is by definition proportional to the

Classical mechanics explains how _______ moves.

What is the primary purpose of normalization in database design?

When is a database said to be in the Third Normal Form (3NF)?

Where would you typically find the definition of a database schema?

How to ensure ACID properties are maintained in a transaction?

What is the purpose of a subnet mask in IP networking?

When should an organization implement two-factor authentication (2FA) for remote access to its network resources?

Where is the most secure location to place a firewall within a network architecture?

Who is responsible for managing digital certificates in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) system?

Why is it important to regularly update software and firmware in network devices?

What is the main purpose of a context switch in an operating system?

When does a deadlock occur in a system?

Where is the Page Table typically stored in a computer system?

How to resolve the critical section problem in concurrent programming?

Which memory management scheme allows the physical address space of a process to be non-contiguous?

Why do modern operating systems use preemptive multitasking?

When is the "thrashing" condition likely to occur in a system using virtual memory?

In a buck-boost converter circuit, if the duty cycle of the switch is increased, what effect does it have on the output voltage?

What is the primary purpose of using transformers in the transmission and distribution of electrical power?

In a separately excited DC motor, if the field winding is open-circuited while the armature winding is connected to a DC supply, what will happen to the motor speed?

In a DC generator, what is the function of the commutator?

In the design of reinforced concrete beams, what is the purpose of providing shear reinforcement such as stirrups or links?

Which equation governs the flow of water through a porous medium, considering both Darcy's law and the continuity equation?

What is the purpose of a detention basin in stormwater management?

Which method of structural analysis is particularly suitable for analysing tall and slender structures subjected to lateral loads, such as skyscrapers?

What is the purpose of a hydrograph in hydrology?

Which of the following materials exhibits the highest strength-to-weight ratio at room temperature?

In a static equilibrium system, what condition must be satisfied for the sum of all forces acting on a rigid body?

What is the Reynolds number used to determine in fluid flow analysis?

Which mode of heat transfer predominates in a vacuum?

What is the main function of a Pelton wheel turbine in a hydropower plant?

When a helium atom loses an electron, it becomes:

Beta ray emitted by a radioactive substance is:

An electric charge in uniform motion produces:

What is emitted by a hot metal filament in a cathode ray tube?

If the mass of the bob of a pendulum is doubled its time period is:

The center of Newton rings is dark due to

Resistance in RC circuit of time constant 2 seconds is 1000 Ohms. What is the value of C in the circuit?

The Lenz’s law refers to induced __________

For atomic hydrogen spectrum, which of the following series lies in visible region of electromagnetic spectrum?

__________ are the particles that experience strong nuclear force.

The vertical velocity of ball thrown upward __________ with time.

Tuning of the radio is the best example of electrical __________

Which of the following lights travels the fastest in optical fibres?

Which type of bonding is present in NH4Cl?

Aldehydes can be synthesized by the oxidation of:

The products of the fermentation of a sugar are ethanol and:

What is the main purpose of a transformer in electrical circuits?

Which theorem states that any linear electrical network with multiple sources can be replaced by an equivalent single voltage source and a series resistor?

What is the primary function of a Zener diode in electronic circuits?

Which type of motor is known for its high starting torque and variable speed control?

In a three-phase power system, what is the phase difference between each phase?

What is the primary advantage of using an operational amplifier (op-amp) in electronic circuits?

In digital electronics, what is the purpose of a flip-flop circuit?

What is the main characteristic of a Schottky diode compared to a regular silicon diode?

In power systems, what is the purpose of a synchronous condenser?

What is the main advantage of using a buck converter in power electronics?

Which principle explains the operation of a thermocouple in temperature measurement?

In signal processing, what is the primary purpose of a Fourier transform?

What is the primary difference between a MOSFET and a BJT?

What is the main purpose of using a triac in AC power control circuits?

In control systems, what is the significance of the transfer function?

Which law describes the magnetic force between two parallel current-carrying conductors?

What is the primary function of a varistor in electronic circuits?

In communication systems, what is the purpose of modulation?

What is the primary advantage of using a CMOS technology in integrated circuits?

In electrical machines, what is the purpose of using a commutator in a DC motor?

Which method is used to analyze the frequency response of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems?

What is the primary characteristic of a superconducting material?

In microcontrollers, what is the main function of an ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)?

What is the main purpose of using a relay in electrical circuits?

In AC circuits, what is the significance of power factor?

What is the primary difference between a synchronous motor and an induction motor?

Which type of circuit is used to generate a specific frequency waveform?

In power electronics, what is the main purpose of a rectifier?

What is the primary function of a thyristor in power control circuits?

Which method is used to analyze transient response in electrical circuits?

What is the significance of the breakover voltage in a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)?

In the context of electromagnetic waves, what is the primary function of a waveguide?

What is the main advantage of using a brushless DC motor over a brushed DC motor?

In electrical power systems, what is the purpose of using a capacitor bank?

In signal processing, what is the purpose of a digital filter?

Which type of memory is used for storing firmware in embedded systems?

A child entity in ER diagrams is:

Boyce Codd Normal Form:

DDL is used to:

Network traffic estimation is:

Which of the following is the most efficient encoding to send data via networks? Also consider the reasoning in your answer.

A computer is in System mode when:

Which is better, Time slicing or time sharing?

Which of the following are/is true?

What is the molecular geometry of methane (CH4) according to VSEPR theory?

Which of the following is an example of a strong acid?

What is the relationship between pressure and volume for a gas at constant temperature, according to Boyle's Law?

Which element has the highest electronegativity?

Which of the following salts is insoluble in water?

Which type of radioactive decay results in the release of an electron from the nucleus?

Which of the following describes the process of reducing a ketone to an alcohol?

What is the main characteristic of a buffer solution?

Which gas law explains the relationship between temperature and volume at constant pressure?

Which of the following best describes a Lewis acid?

In a galvanic cell, what happens at the anode?

Which of the following processes occurs at the cathode in an electrolytic cell?

What type of intermolecular force is the strongest?